Performance Videos

Videos from concerts and recording sessions I’ve been involved with as a performer over the years. I will add more as I find them online, so check back soon!

Chamber Music

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra

Glendale College / Symphony of the Verdugos

Scottish Fiddlers of Los Angeles

Solo Instruments

Chamber Music

Video from recording session for my String Trio No. 1 3rd Movment, “Island Dance”. I’m playing viola here.

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra

I’ve been playing in the viola section of the San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra since the summer of 2019. Enjoy these concert videos and check back for more!

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra with James Domine, November 2022 at El Portal Theater in North Hollywood, CA

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra with James Domine, January 2023 at the El Portal Theater in North Hollywood, CA

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra with James Domine, September 2019 at the Performing Arts Education Center of Calabasas, CA.

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra with James Domine, March 2023 at the El Portal Theater in North Hollywood, CA

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra with James Domine, November 2019 at the Performing Arts Education Center of Calabasas, CA

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra with James Domine (feat. Wenlan Jackson), April 2023 at El Portal Theater in North Hollywood, CA

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra with James Domine (feat. Ruth Bruegger), November 2019 at the Performing Arts Education Center of Calabasas, CA

San Fernando Valley Symphony Orchestra with James Domine (feat. David Pinto), November 2019 at the Performing Arts Education Center of Calabasas, CA

Glendale College / Symphony of the Verdugos

I’ve been performing with the Glendale College Community Orchestra and its current iteration, the Symphony of the Verdugos, since Spring of 2013. I started on 1st violin, switched to viola in 2014 and took over as Principal Viola in 2015. These are only a few of the performances I’ve done with this group, and more may be added in the future, so please check back!

Glendale College Community Orchestra with GC Concert Singers and Dr. Peter Green, June 2018 at Church of the Good Shepherd in Arcadia, CA

Glendale College Community Orchestra and GC Concert Singers with Dr. Peter Green, June 2019 at Church of the Good Shepherd in Arcadia, CA

Glendale College Community Orchestra with Dr. Paul Sherman, COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Project, Spring 2020

Glendale College Community Orchestra with Dr. Paul Sherman (feat. David Park), COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Project, Spring 2020. Vivaldi Four Seasons, Winter, II. Largo

Scottish Fiddlers of Los Angeles

I’ve been playing fiddle and tin whistles with this group since 2018. I’ve also written several tunes that we’ve played at the Scottish Fiddlers of Los Angeles, and done some arranging work for our shows. I’ve enjoyed fiddle music since I started fiddle lessons around age 8, and it’s a lot of fun to get to play in an ensemble too!

The “Ship Tunes” from the Shetland Islands. I arranged the introduction to this set, and played the tin whistle solo on it. The rest of the arrangement is our standard arrangement as we’ve played it for at least the last couple of years. This was recorded at our show in Hermosa Beach on April 15, 2023.

Solo Instruments

Solo banjo performance of the old-time tune Piney Woods, as taught by Tom Collins of Banjo Quest and then mutated by me over a few years.

I added the chromatic interlude for this arrangement to play up the droney and meditative nature of the tune.

Recorded July 22, 2024